May 27, 2022

How Can the Community Support Foster Families?


As National Foster Care Awareness Month comes to a close, we wanted to highlight some ways everyone can get involved with the foster care world. We know not everyone is called to foster or adopt, but we believe everyone is called to do something.

  • The easiest and most accessible way to support our foster families, children, biological families, and staff is through prayer! The world of child welfare is often full of spiritual warfare and hard situations and prayer is an important way to support everyone we work with.
  • Money, time, services, and more! There are many ways you can give support to our foster care program.
    • You can donate directly to Nightlight here or through one of our other many ways to help
    • You can give Christmas gifts during the holidays through one of our local Christmas gift drives, or reach out to the local offices about giving birthday gifts for foster children throughout the year.
    • Foster and biological families could also often benefit from services given such as house cleaning or yard work. There is never a shortage of ways to give!
    • We are always in need of spaces to host events and training and businesses willing to donate food, décor, and more.
  • While not everyone is in the position to become a foster parent, there are many other ways to directly serve children and youth in care.
    • You can become a trained babysitter or respite care provider and provide a much-needed break to foster parents.
    • If you are a good cook or baker, you could make a meal or treats to bring to a foster family. Even a meal once a month goes a long way when families are juggling visits with parents, therapy appointments, court, and more.
    • Do you have another skill or talent you feel could benefit families or children? Are you an art teacher who wants to host an art class for our children or a retired teacher who can offer some tutoring sessions? Let us know!
  • We are always looking for others to share the message and the need for more foster and adoptive parents.
    • You can help advocate for our children in the care by helping to host informational meetings at your church or in your community, sharing posts on social media about the need for foster parents, and talking to those around you about the need. The more people who are aware of the need, the more who will step up to meet it!


If you are interested in learning more about how you can support Nightlight’s Healing Homes Foster Care Program you can reach out to your local Nightlight office today!

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