During this Spring season, we see flowers blooming and everything that was dead during the winter months sprouting to new life. For Christians, it is also the time of surrender and sacrifice through the reminder of Easter and the weeks and traditions leading up to it, such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Palm Sunday. But what does this time have to do with adoption, and how can we think of adoption in the terms of the cross?
What does scripture say?
In John 3:3, Jesus says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Because of the cross, and Jesus sacrificing His life for our sins, we are able to be born again and are given a new life. In adoption, children are also able to begin a new life as a child in your family. Adoption is a picture of how brokenness on earth, and our humble beginnings, can be made beautiful and used for good.
We are reminded again in Psalm 37:18 of God’s provision and care; “Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever.” Through adoption, children receive an inheritance on earth. Through a relationship with Christ, we have all received an eternal inheritance and life with Jesus.
What does this mean to me?
With this in mind, Easter can be a time of celebration; a celebration of warmer weather, of Christ’s resurrection and of your child becoming a new part of your family, whether their adoption occurred weeks, months, or many years ago. One way to honor your child during this time is through pointing out the consistencies in their own stories with the story God wrote for us as believers in Jesus and his death on the cross.
For those of you who are still waiting for your adopted child, who are currently fostering, or maybe you are just about to begin the process, Easter is a beautiful reminder to all of us of our worth and the freedom we have in Jesus because of his resurrection. Because of Him, we are all accepted into a forever family in heaven. That alone is a reason to celebrate with a heart full of gratitude.
I want to end this with a section of a poem by Deborah Ann called Abba – My Father;
Abba my Father,
has adopted me . . .
into His royal family
so I could be . . .
An heir to salvation,
a daughter of light
a child that brings
to Him great delight.
I’m no longer an orphan,
I’m no longer a stray
I’ve inherited a room
in His mansion I’ll stay.
Abba my Father,
has adopted me . . .
into His royal family
so I can be free . . .
Free from the guilt,
of my wandering ways
free from the darkness
that once filled my days.
The adoption became final,
that day on the Cross
when Jesus died for me
and all those who are lost.
Abba my Father,
has adopted me . . .
into His royal family
so I might see . . .
See His glory,
in the middle of my pain
see His grace fall
like sweet drops of rain.
The inheritance is mine,
I’m claiming my right
and now I have privilege
to His power and might.
Abba my Father,
has adopted me . . .
into His royal family,
I willingly flee . . .
Ann, Deborah. “ABBA My Father.” CHRISTian Poetry, 31 May 2013, https://poetrybydeborahann.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/abba-my-father/.
By: Paige Burch