"We are solving a problem that already exists."
This is the simple answer we give for why embryo adoption is permissible, even if one has reservations about in vitro fertilization. In fact, since embryos are human beings, then not only is embryo adoption permissible: it is actually obligatory!
The Catholic Church takes a firm stance on in vitro fertilization (IVF): it’s a non-starter for infertile Catholic couples. The church issued a document in 1987 called the Donum Vitae (DV), or “The Gift of Life,” which clearly outlined its stance on alternative family building methods. The document stated that if technology aided a couple in achieving pregnancy, it was okay. If it replaced the marital act that led to pregnancy, though, it wasn’t – so that ruled out IVF as an option for Catholic couples facing an infertility diagnosis.
But where does that leave embryo adoption?
While the reason these embryos exist in the first place has been condemned by the Catholic Church, it also takes the stance that all children are worthy of love and respect no matter how they were conceived. Father Thomas Williams addressed this controversial issue in an interview with Catholic.org. In the interview, he states that the question should not be how these children came into existence, but what we can do now to help them.
“Given the current state of medical science,” Father Williams says, “the only thing that can be done to save the lives of those persons is gestation in a woman’s womb. Most women aren’t called to make this sacrifice, but those who feel called should not be discouraged from doing so.” You can read the full interview with Father Williams for more information on the moral and theological implications of embryo adoption.
Noted Catholic ethicist, Dr. Elizabeth Rex, has written extensively on the permissibility of Snowflakes®, noting that embryo adoption does not violate the sacred bond of marriage, and fulfills our obligation to save human lives. She says of Donum Vitae, "the human embryo must be treated as a person from the first instant of its conception (DV I.1) and it also declares as 'licit' and even 'desirable' all therapeutic procedures that 'are directed toward [the human embryo’s] healing, the improvement of its condition of health, or its individual survival.' (DV I.3)." If Donum Vitae sees as desirable all procedures which are directed toward an embryo's survival, then surely embryo adoption is permissible.
We have recorded a video about the Catholic View of Embryo Adoption presented by two Catholic doctors.
--Daniel Nehrbass, Ph.D.