So much has happened since our last update. There is much to tell and we pray that God will receive all the glory. We have had our first official adoptive family matched with a child in our baby's home. All of their dossier paperwork was sent this week, and our attorney will soon begin the court procedures for them. This is very exciting news! We have 3 additional children in need of placement. Our next family to be matched is interested in a girl, but we are awaiting some medical information to come back before we can match our 2nd little girl. Our two little boys are still waiting for a match. We have some families in the program who are still working on home studies and dossiers. Hopefully, we will be able to match all 3 of these children very soon.
Kenneth and Cathy are doing well. I received a message from Kenneth this week that his eyes are much improved. I have copied an excert from Kenneth's e-mail below. Please continue to pray for Kenneth, Cathy, their family, and all the staff at Tender Heart's Babies Home.
We have finalized our flight and itinerary for our Uganda Mission Team who will be leaving on October 23rd and returning on November 1st. Please keep this team in your prayers as well. We have seen God do amazing things in regards to fundraising. One team member who was struggling to raise funds, received $600 in donations within 24 hours. Another team member received a $1,000 from her client to go toward are building projects while we are in Uganda. We still need more donations to meet the needs of the baby's home. We are hoping to build a playground, gazebo, and garden in the backyard. We will also be doing painting around the baby's home. We have plans to build a prayer room at The Comforter Center as well. In addition, the baby's home continues to have daily financial needs to support the staff and provide amenities. If you would like to make a donation toward Tender Heart's please go to the link below.
We have also had numerous donations from family and friends of team members of toys, diapers, formula, medical supplies, VBS materials, and so much more. One of our team members has planned a VBS for two days for a group of children at Mama Mary's. Mama Mary is a single Christian woman who has taken into her home 20 plus children. She cares for them on her own and depends on the kindness of strangers to support her family.
We are getting very excited as the trip draws near. We plan to post updates and photos on the Nightlight blog as often as possible. To view our blog, please go to the link below. Thank you all very much for your continued support both financially and in prayer for Nightlight's ministry in Uganda.
God Bless,
Lisa Prather, LMSW