November 3, 2007

Guatemala 5000: U.S. Congressional letters available to view

The Joint Council on International Children's Services has posted copies of the letters sent by the U.S. Congress to Guatemalan President Oscar Berger and to UNICEF. If you participated in lobbying your congressmen to sign the letters, thank you. The announcement (and link) from JCICS are below.

Dear Colleagues,

Joint Council has posted copies online of the two Congressional letters which were submitted to the President of Guatemala and to UNICEF earlier this week. Over 200 Members of Congress signed each letter!

To download a copy of the letters from the U.S. Congress, please visit our Guatemala 5000 Page.

The Guatemala 5000 Initiative was successful in securing congressional support largely because of your encouragement and advocacy. Again, we thank you for all of your efforts. Have a wonderful weekend!

Best regards,
Adam Schlicht
Child Advocacy Program Manager, Joint Council

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