October 26, 2007


On November 2-3, Colonial Baptist Church (Cary, NC) is sponsoring an Adoption and Orphan Weekend.

My opening night sermon is entitled "God's Story of Adoption." It will show the place of adoption within God's story of redemption and its implications for orphan ministry and the earthly practice of adoption. Please consider attending.

Schedule of Events

Friday, Nov 2 ~ 7:00-9:00pm

7:00 (The Chapel)
Opening & Welcome
Video Interview "Adoption Stories" (#1)
Orphan Care - Robin Horner
Introduction of Agencies
Video Interview "Adoption Stories" (#2)
God's Story of Adoption - Dan Cruver

8:30 Refreshments and Visiting Booths (Café)
9:00 Close

Saturday, Nov 3 ~ 8:45am - 1:30pm

8:45 (The Chapel)
Opening & Welcome
Workshop Overview

9:15 Workshop Session #1 (various rooms)
9:45 Break: Refreshments & Booths (Café)
10:15 Workshop Session #2 (various rooms)
10:45 Break
11:00 Workshop Session #3 (various rooms)

11:30 Lunch (Café)

12:00 (The Chapel)
Video Interview "Adoption Stories" (#3)
Q&A with adoption agencies
Financial Strategies - Dwain Gullion

1:00 Visit Booths (Café)
1:30 Close

Workshops Offered

• Adoption Process – Getting Started
• Families Who Adopted (Personal Stories)
• What to Expect When Adopting
• Legal Aspects of Adoption
• Domestic Adoptions
• International Adoptions
• Trans Racial Adoptions
• Open Adoptions
• Adopting Older Children
• Foster Care
• Orphan Care


  1. from hope to reality » Blog Archive » “God’s Story of Adoption”: Sermon by Dan Cruver | the adoption blog of carolina hope christian adoption agency says:

    [...] night at the Adoption and Orphan Weekend held at Colonial Baptist Church in Cary, NC, Dan Cruver preached a sermon entitled [...]

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