One of my deepest desires is that the doctrine of adoption would be recovered within the Christian church, that it would be valued, treasured and articulated by pastors (and their people) and theologians even as the doctrine of justification is. Progress is being made, but there is much more needed—not only in its recovery but also in its proper understanding. It is a doctrine that makes known the great glory of God's grace (see Ephesians 1:5-6). If you desire to marvel at the precious grace of God more deeply, explore Scripture's teaching on adoption. My prayer is that the church would come to a fresh understanding of this highest blessing of the gospel and, as a result, come to treasure our Triune God more. This is one of the reasons I am thrilled that Carolina Hope Christian Adoption Agency has commissioned me to study and articulate the precious, life-transforming doctrine of adoption.
"Of course it had never been doubted or concealed by any worthy expositor of the ways of God in salvation, that we are children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Adoption is a Christian benefit. But much depends on the place in the mind given to a thought like this, and, especially, much depends on the dogmatic form it assumes, and the virtue allowed to it in the system" (Robert Rainy).
[Carolina Hope is a Christian adoption agency that serves families from all over the country.]