August 29, 2007

Bloggers and Carolina Hope

We'd like to thank all the bloggers who have written about Carolina Hope over the past several weeks. They were all very kind to do so. Please give each of them a visit as a way of saying thank you for us.

Justin Taylor
Sally Lloyd-Jones
Buzzard Blog
Transforming Sermons
Steve McCoy of Reformissionary
Chris Gensheer of Intersection
Timmy Brister
Tim Challies

0 comments on “Bloggers and Carolina Hope”

  1. from hope to reality » Blog Archive » an overlooked blogger | the adoption blog of carolina hope christian adoption agency says:

    [...] Last Wednesday I failed to mention a blogger who wrote an excellent post about our adoption agency. So, due to my mistake, he gets his own post today. Thanks, Phil, for the great recommendation. Phil Gons of [...]

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