Have you ever considered that Jesus was adopted by his earthly father Joseph? We don’t know much about Joseph from Scripture, but we do know he was a man able to hear the voice of God and obey it. He took Mary as his wife when societal norms would have dictated another action; he took refuge in Egypt under guidance from God to keep Jesus safe from the anger of King Herod who was seeking to kill Him.
Not only was Jesus adopted by Joseph, Jesus as an embryo was miraculously placed and implanted in Mary’s womb. As a Christian adoption agency, these are facts from the Scripture we hold true. God is the Creator and Sustainer of all life. This is why we are passionate about our Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.
We want to help our families with remaining embryos choose a family to give birth to those embryos. No longer subjected to life in suspended animation, these embryos will now have a chance to be born, to grow and become a living, breathing person with purpose.
Thank you for considering embryo donation or embryo adoption. Both are life-giving. Both are an answer to someone’s prayer. Both are honoring to our Creator God.