Adoption was different for me because a doctor put an embryo in Mom. That was me. I was frozen for three years and shipped to my family as an embryo. I know a lot of people who are adopted, but I don’t know anyone else who was adopted as an embryo. It would be fun to meet some other people who were adopted as an embryo especially if they play Minecraft.
It’s called Snowflakes® embryo adoption because we were frozen. I think it’s cool that when I was younger my favorite movie was Frozen.
I have triplet brothers who were made at the same time as me. But they were born to a different family three years before me. I have a half sister Tara. I like her a lot. She has a baby (so I’m an aunt). I also have a half-brother who has two kids; so I’m an aunt many times already. Isaiah, Joshua, and Caleb are 15 years old and my full genetic brothers. Lori and Dan are their parents.
I talk to my genetic family on zoom sometimes, like Christmas and a few months ago. Sometimes we plan trips to go visit them, but they live far away. It’s a lot of fun meeting my genetic siblings and parents. I used to play Minecraft together with my genetic brothers. My embryo-donor mom gave me a box that’s like silver. It’s perfectly square and glittery. I put my jewelry in it. And then she showed me a cute picture of me as a baby with her. She is really nice.
I’m twelve years old. I want to be taller. I’m 5’3”. I used to live in Haiti most of my life, but we recently moved to North Carolina due to safety. I was born in Oregon and frozen in Michigan. I like boots but not just any ordinary boots; platform boots. I have some pink in my hair, but it washes out.
I am the youngest of 14 kids in my family. I have 6 brothers and 7 sisters. Plus I have my 3 genetic brothers and my half sister and brother. So, that means I have a big family! I am the youngest so that’s really cool!
I have fish. My fish in Haiti is named Gary. My fish Bubba died. This was a while ago. I made a box out of cardboard and I wrote “Poor Bubba died” and then we buried it and I put a headstone that says “RIP Bubba”. It’s still outside by the tree. Now I have 6 fish. Bugeyes is my favorite because he was my second fish and he has huge eyes that are adorable.
One of my friends is Lore who is almost 10. My friend Balke, from Haiti, introduced me to her. We play Roblox together. Her mom lives in Africa because she works there, so she lives with her grandma in Florida. It’s going to be cool because we’re thinking we’re going to have a gymnastics camp and she might come! I’m excited for it. My friend Talia and Annabelle went to French school with me, but everyone spoke creole. I hope they can come. Esther and my best friend Aimee might come also. We used to all live in Haiti together, but we had to leave for safety, so we now live all over the USA and Europe mostly. We used to own Haiti Gymnastics, but now we own a Gymnastics place in North Carolina also.
When I grow up, I want to be a YouTuber. Using YouTube is easier than Tiktok. I think I would try to make funny videos and they would be kinda random. If not YouTube, I would also like to dub anime into English (as a voice actress).
I am trying to learn Japanese. Someday I would like to go to Japan (and maybe even live there!). My brother Stevenson (who I nicknamed Hamster) is also learning Japanese. He’s watched a whole lot of anime, so he might speak Japanese better than me. My sister Maliya is from China and my brother David used to live in China and speaks many languages. He also lived in Haiti with us. He is living in France now. My mom and I might fly to Paris next summer to see him and his girlfriend who is from Russia. Five of my siblings are Haitian and I also have a brother from Ecuador and a sister from Vietnam and a sister from Chicago too. We are all from different places, but we like to do fun things together.
I think that is mostly the story of Naomi and how I came to be a Snowflakes baby 🙂 I think it’s cool to be adopted as an embryo. I hope more people adopt embryos and I hope to meet others born like me!