Navigating the Summer for Children Needing Structure

  Summer is a time of freedom, relaxation, and rejuvenation. For some of our children, the shift from a well-structured school day to the unstructured nature of a relaxed lazy summer day at home can bring on anxiety and stress. As you prepare for summer, here are some tips and ideas to add some structure […]

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Sasha's Thoughts: The Perfect Medicine - Идеальное лекарство

So, I have been sick for three days this week. It is a fact of life that one must suffer sickness once in a while. This experience reminds me of the countless times my mama took me under her wing and nursed me back to health. There was one especially difficult time when I had […]

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Sasha's Thoughts: Family – Семья

Family is such a strong theme in today’s society. Has been for centuries. I for one do not wholeheartedly agree with the statement that Family are the people that gave birth to you. In reality, it is the people who have been there for you through thick and thin, pain and joy, success and failure. […]

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Sasha's Thoughts: The Beach - На пляже!

What a beautiful day! I cannot imagine living in a more beautiful place than the South Bay, California for the past 16 years. As I was sitting at the beach today, soaking in sunshine and ocean mist, I noticed these little kids next to me. They were with their mothers having a grand old time! […]

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