Submit Your Photo - View Photos by Category

To view photos only, select the program category, listed on the left side of the page, you are interested in seeing.

Sharing your memories through your photos helps us to rejoice in your family’s success. Your photos also provide other families a glimpse into the joy and wonder that can come from working with Nightlight to build a family. We’d love to see photos of your child(ren) and/or family to help give other families hope for their future.

We will select photos submitted by clients to share throughout our website, social media, news features, marketing materials, and more.

  • Please only upload files less than 500Kb and with dimensions larger than 600x400px. If you need to resize your image, try this easy online tool: Photo Resizer
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.

By submitting my photo I am agreeing to allow Nightlight Christian Adoptions to display my photo on the website. I understand that Nightlight may also want to use my photo for other marketing purposes and will either call or email me for permission to use it apart from the website.

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