Nightlight Foundation Grant Program

In order to maintain program fees which allow more families to provide homes to children without parents, Nightlight relies on donations from its client families and other supporters. In addition, the Nightlight Foundation (formerly “Babushka Fund”) assists families who might not otherwise be able to afford the costs of adoption to adopt a child who might not otherwise be adopted.

A grant committee will review applications and make awards of $500 to $5,000 (with an averaged gift of $1000) to prospective adopting families. These awards, underwritten by donations to Nightlight and the operating budget of the agency, will be issued as credits against the program fees for eligible adopting families. The grants are meant to assist families and do not replace needed financial commitments and other fund raising which the family might undertake.  Please note that if your account with Nightlight results in a credit where a refund is due, we will deduct the Nightlight Foundation grant amount before issuing a refund/credit. 

Interested families should complete a Nightlight Foundation Grant Application and submit it along with the following documents to Nightlight Christian Adoptions:

  1. Financial and Net Worth Statement
  2. Copy of Tax Returns for Prior 2 Years (minimum of first two pages of Form 1040)
  3. General Consent form

Please note that families are only eligible if they are matched with a child.

Please email your application to your adoption advisor.

Grant Application
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