Perfiles Familiares

Tienes una maravillosa oportunidad de tomar una decisión que te afectará a ti y a tu bebé de una manera muy positiva. Si decide dar a su hijo en adopción, está dando un paso positivo. La adopción es una forma amorosa y desinteresada de brindar protección, capacitación y cuidado amoroso a su hijo cuando sus propias circunstancias no lo permitan.

A medida que comience a utilizar este sitio web para ver los posibles perfiles de padres adoptivos, recuerde que todas estas parejas han sido evaluadas y han tomado clases de crianza para ayudarlos a prepararse para la responsabilidad de ser padres. Es posible que desee hacer una lista de las cualidades que son importantes para usted al considerar una familia adoptiva. Por ejemplo, creencias religiosas, si la madre adoptiva trabajará o no fuera del hogar, o si ya hay otros niños en la familia.

No todas las familias de espera aprobadas por Nightlight se muestran en esta página. Para ver los perfiles de más familias que esperan adoptar, comuníquese con Nightlight.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o desea obtener más información sobre cualquiera de estas familias, no dude en utilizar nuestro formulario de contacto o enviar un mensaje de texto o llamarnos al (864) 275-1682 o llame al (888) 933-2237 (llamada gratuita).

View AdoptionBridge Dear Birthmother Profiles

James & Tara- Family ID 364314

Dear Birthparent, We are honored to meet you, even if it's just on this website for now. From experience, we know you are in the midst of some of the toughest days and hardest decisions of your life. Please know

The post James & Tara- Family ID 364314 appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Christian & Danielle ID#1013064

We don't know your story, or what has taken place in it or what has led you to the point where you are now reading our words. What we do know is that you are expecting, and you have many challenging decisions in front … Read More

The post Christian & Danielle ID#1013064 appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Katie & Jason (ID#1006021)

Dear Expectant Mother, We are Jason & Katie & today; the paths of our lives are crossing with yours through this letter. We do not know the details of your life, but we know that you are in the midst … Read More

The post Katie & Jason (ID#1006021) appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Kevin & Marcie #1103081

Hello, As we write this letter, we are struck with awe at the choice you are contemplating.  We want you to know that while we can never understand what you are going through, we have the utmost respect and admiration … Read More

The post Kevin & Marcie #1103081 appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Cory & Laura (ID #1103114)

Dear Birthmother, You are courageous.  You are strong.  You are amazing.  While we will never be able to understand what this process is like for you, we promise to always honor this incredibly selfless act by providing the best life … Read More

The post Cory & Laura (ID #1103114) appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Andy and Lauren (ID#: 1010867)

Dear Expectant Mother, We don't know you but we can imagine the range of emotions and questions you're experiencing. Please know we see your strength and courage, and that you are respected and prayed for as you wade into these … Read More

The post Andy and Lauren (ID#: 1010867) appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Ben & Natalie (ID#1103099)

Dear Expectant Mother, Thank you for looking through our book as you consider adoption for your baby. First, we would like to acknowledge the tough decision you are facing and all of the emotions that go along with it. We want you … Read More

The post Ben & Natalie (ID#1103099) appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

David & Rachel (ID#1013848)

Hello, Thank you for taking the time to review our portfolio.   We cannot imagine how difficult and emotional this decision is for you and your baby.   Thank you for considering adoption and know that you are deeply loved … Read More

The post David & Rachel (ID#1013848) appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Kenny & Abby (#1104250)

Hello, We are grateful that you would consider our family as a possible placement for your baby and want to share with you who we are and how your child will be raised in our home, if given the opportunity. We have … Read More

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Jason & Brenna 1101971

Hello, We know you may be scared or unsure of what is the right path for you. Even if you have made up your mind, we get that there is a whole host of different emotions you may be feeling … Read More

The post Jason & Brenna 1101971 appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

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