There are 5 levels of involvement through which your church could respond to the biblical mandate to “defend the cause of the fatherless” on Orphan Sunday

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Friendly Nightlight Staff

In which of the following will your church be involved?

  1. € Have an information table with everything you need sent by Nightlight—including a Nightlight representative to answer questions about adoption
  2. € Share a video found on
  3. € Hear an inspiring testimony from an adoptive family— we have a few families in mind
  4. € Invite our president, Daniel Nehrbass, to speak on the mission of adoption
  5. € Take an offering for Nightlight’s Orphan


If you would like an info table at your church, we will send you the following, free of charge:

  1. Nightlight Table Cloth
  2. Poster board
  3. Brochures for Nightlight, Snowflakes, and Orphan Galaxy
  4. Sign-up sheet for more info
  5. Comparison of international adoption programs
  6. Bead necklaces from Uganda, which support the Tender Hearts Baby Home
  7. A representative from Nightlight, if you wish

Simply email to tell us your plans for Orphan Sunday or to request materials.


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