Orphan Galaxy is made up of STARS (sometimes alone and sometimes grouped into Constellations) who are making a difference in the lives of orphans around the world. We want to highlight some of their stories. (Be sure to share your story by writing to Adam@Nightlight.org)


Nightlight supports the Tender Hearts Baby Home in Kampala, Uganda.  In fact, several Nightlight families have adopted from the home, and more are sure to come this year.  Ken Nganda, the director of the home, visited several churches while in the US over November.  Inspired by the stories of these children, Ken received commitments for over $100,000 toward construction of a permanent facility.  This is an enormous blessing that could only come by God touching the hearts of His people.  The money raise, however, is designated for building, and will not be used toward daily operations, like food and rent.  Nightlight has committed to raise $4000 per month for the home.  This has proved quite difficult, but with the help of your donation to Orphan Galaxy, we came closer to reaching that goal.  Orphan Galaxy recently gave $1000 for daily expenses to Tender Hearts.  In the video above, Ken Nganda introduces you to the children at the orphanage, tells why he got involved in orphan ministry, and explains the plans for future development.


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