Protected: Waiting Children: a Forever Family – Could it be you?

Every child has a name – but not every child has a family.  You can change that. Start by viewing profiles of our waiting children.

The first and most important step is to have a completed home study and continually seek to educate yourself regarding adoption.  The education you receive will help prepare you for your adoption journey and help you to be matched with the child you are best suited to parent.  You are unique and bring special gifts, abilities and passions to your family.  Our goal is to help you apply those gifts and abilities to parenting a child who is waiting for their forever family.

The children shown below are but a few of the millions of children waiting.  This is where your adoption journey begins … or perhaps where it ends.  Contact us if you have questions or a particular interest in any of the children shown.  Remember, a child cannot be matched with a family until you have completed a home study and are eligible to adopt.  Most waiting children adoptions can be completed within a year of you making the decision to adopt.  Why be a waiting parent, when there are so many waiting children?  Keep in mind that waiting children are typically over 6 years old, or if they are younger may have minor or correctable special needs.  The most common minor special need is cleft palate, followed by heart conditions.

Contact us with any questions and your questions will be directed to the appropriate staff person.

Ben is an outgoing child that is very sociable. He is helpful, talkative and adventurous. He enjoys playing games and having fun. Ben has great relationships with his peers and adults. He is an independent child that is able to … Read More

The post B - Ben & Nina appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Do you love Christmas time?  Jon sure does!  It is his favorite time of year!  He loves getting dressed up on Christmas Eve and watching Christmas movies throughout the season. Although this fourth grader finds Math to be his best … Read More

The post C - Jon, Denton, and Aliya appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Hadley is a happy 2-year-old with so much love to share! This sweet girl is adored by her caretakers and she is a ray of sunshine to everyone she meets. She loves being held and interacting with people. Hadley receives therapeutic … Read More

The post Hadley appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

  Meet Mikey-a precious boy with a big heart!  This Kindergartener is gentle and sweet with his peers and animals and is affectionate with his foster family. He is easy-going and happy to help with gardening, kick the soccer ball … Read More

The post C - Mikey appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Meet 3-year-old Jordy! This sweet, silly boy will steal your heart. He loves to receive love and attention from others and play with the older children in his home.  Jordy is also a very curious and determined boy, who loves … Read More

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Pete and Vilmar are very kind boys with good behavior. They are very close, as they spend almost all of their free time together. The kids share a room and used to go to the same school, but with the … Read More

The post B - Pete & Vilmar appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Armando is a kind, shy and smart boy. He likes to draw, to read and to swim.  The boy wants to be a police officer in future. Armando’s biggest dream if to have a family. He also wants to live in … Read More

The post B-Armando appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Rey is a kind and curious boy, who likes to play with cars, stuffed animals and constructors. Rey also loves to play videogames and to watch cartoons and videos. One of his favorite cartoon is Sponge Bob. The boy knows the … Read More

The post B-Rey appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Leena is a natural born leader and will often take charge while others follow. She is an inquisitive 8-year-old, doing well in school. Leena is an active participant in class and is developmentally on track. To be around Leena is … Read More

The post N - Leena appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

Owen is a 15-year-old boy who is very inquisitive. Owen enjoys building pyramids and other structures with blocks as well as painting. He is a child who is fascinated with learning. Owen has been working to strengthen his development delay … Read More

The post DR - Owen appeared first on AdoptionBridge.

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