Interview with Sue Hill: Ethiopia Adoption

Ken and Sue Hill have 6 children, ages 11, 9, 7, 7, 2, and 11 months old. Their first five children are biological. Their youngest was adopted from Ethiopia this past February. Those of you who have already adopted or are currently pursuing adoption know the financial challenges involved in adoption. It might encourage you […]

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He handed me a note that said "I'm running away."

After reading Dan’s post this morning I was looking forward to commenting on it until the topic switched from the hypothetical into my immediate life as my 8 year old adopted son came to me in the laundry room and handed me a note with three words on it “I’m running away.”

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Interview with Dr. Dave Garner

Dr. Dave Garner is the Vice President for Alumni Relations & Educational Advancement at Westminster Theological Seminary. He wrote his doctoral dissertation on the doctrine of adoption. It's entitled "Adoption in Christ" (Westminster Theological Seminary, 2002). He graciously agreed to allow me to interview him about Scripture's teaching on the theology of adoption and its […]

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Bella, the movie: abortion, adoption, and love

There's a new independent film out that compassionately deals with abortion and adoption: Bella, winner of the Toronto Film Festival People's Choice Awards. I haven't seen it, but I've read good things about it. Below is an excerpt from the movie review at Focus on the Family's Plugged In Online. You can also find information […]

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The Assurance of Adoption and Adopted Children

It is not unusual for adopted children to struggle with a sense of past rejection, particularly if they do not know their birth mother's story. As a result, some adopted children will wrestle, sometimes intensely, with the thought that they were rejected by their birth parents. This can potentially result in a haunting fear that […]

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The Stigma of Being an Orphan

Over at her blog, Practicing Theology, Connie Dugas writes about the stigma of being an orphan. She discusses the cultural prejudices often encountered by orphans and former orphans. You can read her helpful blog post here.

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Interview with Jason Kovacs

Jason Kovacs is an adoptive father of a multi-ethnic family. He's also one of the bloggers at  We met in the blogosphere a few years ago. His love for the gospel and passion for adoption has been a great encouragement to me. I'm looking forward to actually meeting him this next week. I'm also […]

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The Unexpected Blessing of Strangers

If my last post left you feeling like transracial adoption would destroy any chance of privacy in your life - take heart! There is the other side of the attention our unique families receive – some times God uses it to bring out the best in the people we meet. We've received countless words of encouragement, of […]

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Interview with Chris Nelson: Father of a Multi-Ethnic Family with a Special Needs Child

One of our great desires at Carolina Hope is to help Christians increasingly think about orphan ministry and adoption from a theological perspective. Carolina Hope has commissioned me to explore and articulate the beautiful gospel-connection between uppercase Adoption (i.e. God's gracious adoption of us) and lowercase adoption (i.e. our adoption of a child) so that […]

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"Abba! Father!" and transracial adoption

"And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, 'Abba! Father!'" (Galatians 4:6) The first person who ever called me "Daddy" was my daughter, Hannah. I can still remember what it felt like as a new father to hear that word come from her young little lips. […]

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