Locating the information you need regarding adoption can be overwhelming. We have evaluated the resources below in order to provide you the most helpful information at a glance. Please email us your feedback or questions regarding these resources.
Adopting.com: The largest comprehensive resource index on adoption on the internet.
Adoption.com: The adoption social network.
Adoptive Families Magazine: Excellent online content and articles for families in any stage of the adoption process.
Empowered to Connect: A wonderful set of resources based on the work of Dr. Karyn Purvis, co-author of The Connected Child.
Focus on the Family: A wonderful resources for families and a supporter of Nightlight, with articles and a radio programs about our first Snowflake family.
Hope for Orphans: A Gospel-driven program used to equip churches for orphan ministry and supporting adoptive families.
Love and Logic: An institute dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding. They provide tools and techniques that help adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children based on a psychologically sound parenting and teaching philosophy. Click here to be linked to helpful Love and Logic articles.
National Christian Adoption Fellowship: NCAF promotes adoption and child welfare services within the United States and abroad through a committed fellowship of Christian agencies.
National Council for Adoption: NCFA’s mission is to meet the diverse needs of children, birth parents, adoptees, adoptive families, and all those touched by adoption through global advocacy, education, research, legislative action, and collaboration.
National Adoption Information: A great resource for families in any stage of the adoption process as it provides publications and links on many adoption topics.
Parenting After Infertility and Loss: A Christian-based support ministry for Moms who are suffering or have suffered through the heartache of infertility and/or loss.
The Law Office of Ted R. Youmans: Caring Committed and Comprehensive Guidance
American Academy of Adoption Attorneys: AAAA will assist you in finding an attorney in your area who can help complete your adoption.
CHASK (Christian Homes for Special Kids): Adoptive homes and parenting support for those parenting a special needs child. Call 800-266-9837.
Family Support Network: For families and children with special needs. Call 800-852-0042.
Schmiesing Blied Stoddart & Mackey, LLP: A California based law firm specializing in domestic and international adoption.
Tapestry Books: Your go-to source for books related to adoption.
These books are available at most libraries and bookstores, and some are available for check-out through our office.
All links to Amazon include our affiliate account identifier: Amazon will give a small portion of the purchase price to Nightlight if you buy the book using this link.
Adopting After Infertility, by Pat Johnston
Dear Birth Mother, Thank You for Our Baby, by Kathleen and Phylis Speedlin
Raising Adopted Children, by Lois Ruskai
Adoption is a blessing, start your journey today.Get Started