August 2, 2010

Uganda Praise: Baby's Home Rent

Last week I sent out an urgent message that the rent at the Tender Hearts Baby's Home was due at the end of the month. We must pay 6 months of rent each time and the total due was $4,200. As of Friday of last week, we had raised $4,065! I was overwhelmed by your response and by God's faithfulness when I totaled the numbers on Friday. I think often, in crisis, we doubt that God is big enough. It is with each demonstration of His faithfulness that our faith grows. Through your generosity and willingness to be guided by the Lord, He has continued to show us his faithfulness and also that it is His will for us to be working in Uganda. Thank you to everyone who gave. Please share this story of God's provision with everyone. He deserves all the glory.

In addition, we now have 18 team members signed up to go to Uganda in October for our first Nightlight mission trip. I have been so touched by the testimony of those who have joined our team. Thank you to everyone who continues to support the baby's home in finances and in prayer. Please keep our mission team in your prayers as we raise funds, prepare to travel, and while we are in country. We will provide more updates as we go along.

God Bless,
Lisa Prather, LMSW
Assistant Director

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