July 16, 2010

Update from Uganda: Tender Hearts Baby's home

[A few days ago, a deadly suicide attack in Uganda made international headlines.]

Good News! We have been able to make contact with everyone that we work with in Uganda; our attorney, Veronica at The Comforter Center, and Kenneth at Tender Hearts Baby's Home. Everyone is safe! Praise the Lord. In addition, Kenneth tells us that we now have 3 babies being cared for at the baby's home.

Israel is now about 5 months old and has been with us for several months. Christopher is 2 years old and was being cared for by his grandmother. His grandmother is nearing the end of her life and his mother has disappeared. Her whereabouts are unknown. Justine was abandoned at a nearby church and the church administrator brought her to the baby's home. Kenneth and his team are in the process of working out the children's paperwork and getting health checks on everyone. We are so thankful that these babies now have a safe place to be cared for by the Tender Heart staff.

Kenneth asks for our continued prayers for the baby's home and also for the country of Uganda and for everyone's safety. The attack on Uganda which killed over 70 people is the largest suicide bomber attack they have every faced. We pray that the Lord would use this time to draw people's heart's toward Him.

We continue to need financial support for the baby's home. Just $50 per month will provide a balanced diet, good nutrition and medical care for one of the children. If you would like to donate monthly please follow the link below. You may also set up a monthly check through your bank account if you prefer. We are happy to send updates to you monthly as well regarding the child you are sponsoring until that child finds a forever family.

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support.


God Bless,
Lisa Prather, LMSW

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