December 27, 2007

The Doctrine of Adoption and the New Year

If you are looking for a particular biblical topic to study for the New Year, let C.J. Mahaney's words encourage you to seriously consider studying the doctrine of adoption in 2008.

  • bible-study"In order to experience more of the love of God, the affection of God, the closeness of God, the generosity of God, I want to recommend that for a season you study the doctrine of adoption until you are assured and secure in the love of God. If you are unfamiliar with the gift of adoption, I want to encourage you to restrict your spiritual diet (if necessary and for a season) to this topic so that you might experience the greatness of God’s love. If you are a Christian and you are not convinced of God’s love for you then I would recommend you confine yourself to this topic. Confine yourself to your study to this passage and other passages that reference adoption. Confine yourself for a season of time to the study of the doctrine of adoption. Immerse yourself in extended study" (C.J. Mahaney, sermon, “God as Father: Understanding the Doctrine of Adoption” - Dec. 2, 2007, 34:08-41:35).

Here is a resource link to get you started if you decide to study the doctrine of adoption in 2008.

(HT: Tony Reinke)

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