November 15, 2010

National Adoption Day Celebration At Greenville Family Court House

National Adoption Celebration November 18 , 2010
Greenville County Family Court House Conference Room
301 University Ridge
Greenville, SC
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Proclamation Honoring National Adoption Day
Mayor Knox White
11:00 a.m.

We will be honoring the families who are finalizing their adoptions on this special day. Each year the family court houses around the state set aside a day during National Adoption Month to finalize adoptions.

This year, Nightlight Christian Adoptions, through a generous donation from Rosewood Community Homes, will be there to share in this celebration with food and small gifts to those at the court house.

We will also have literature regarding financial and other resources that may be helpful for adoptive families. The tax credit/refund this year is especially generous, and most families who finalized their adoptions on this day and throughout the year will be receiving back $13,170 when they file their 2010 tax returns!!

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