(502) 423-5780

Talk with Savana

Pregnancy Counselor

Email: savana@nightlight.org

Text or Call: (317) 236-8010

What I want to say to someone considering placing a child for adoption is…

It takes a lot of courage to consider adoption as an option, and I commend you for seeking knowledge and truth. The decision to place your child for adoption is not an easy one, but it is a beautiful and courageous act of love. Remember that you are not alone in this journey. Regardless of your decision, I will be praying for you and the options you are considering. I would love to walk alongside of you while you decide what is the best path for you and your baby. I will listen, support, and advocate for you! If you do decide to pursue adoption, know that you are making a selfless and loving choice for your baby.

megan pregnancy counselor
Working with my pregnancy counselor really helped me through the transition. I felt like I could talk to her as a friend and not be judged. And Nightlight, to me, did exactly what real nightlights do… they added some light into a dark place so I wouldn’t be so scared or confused.
- Brave Birth Mom
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