It is a difficult decision – but so worth it!

I can't say it's been easy. Finding a family that you feel lines up with your morals and beliefs is difficult. 

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The Greatest Gift We’ve Ever Given

Not only did our family of three gain an extended family, but the world gained a beautiful soul in Bailey from one very loved embryo.

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We Have Been in Your Shoes

Embryo donation is not an easy decision. It is a rollercoaster of emotion, even when you know it is right. There is a lot of fear and questions.

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A Perfect Match

We knew right away that this adoptive couple was the family God choose for our embryos

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Embryo Donation: It's Worth It

There is a tremendous sense of fulfillment in knowing that we have helped bring more lives to fruition and joy to two deserving families through embryo donation. 

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It Was at That Moment That I Had Peace

Once we heard about Nightlight and their embryo adoption program, we knew that this was the right path for us and our embryos.

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Five Little Snowflakes

Each journey is unique much like snowflakes that fall from the sky, intricately knit together by the hand of God.

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Only One Was Meant For Us

Our embryos were conceived out of love between my husband and I, but only one was meant for us.

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Embryo Donation: Four Years Later...

Embryo adoption has been such a gift for both of our families in ways I don’t believe either of us could have imagined.

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Thinking Today About Tomorrow's Decision

Embryo adoption is a blessing to both those who have remaining embryos and to those desiring to experience pregnancy, childbirth, and family!

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