Following God’s Will

I cried and cried--wishing that my story had been different. That I would have been able to get pregnant the good old-fashioned way. But my story was not different, and with prayer and acceptance, God led me to a beautiful place. My continual prayer was not my will, but God’s will.

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Embryo Donation: we wouldn't have it any other way. 

A few months later, we made the second hardest life decision: March 2022 - choosing embryo donation for our 5 remaining embryos.

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I was sssssssooooooo excited to meet them in person!

The story of how I met Ali and Derick.

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Embryo Donation Expands Family

I love their family dearly because they are included when I define what 'family' means to me! 

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I was worried we would never find the right fit.

I got three pages in and started to cry. If we really were going to place our embryos for adoption this was the right family. I could 100% see a child of mine growing up with their love.

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The process was sometimes hard and emotionally challenging. 

But we have never regretted our decision and are forever grateful for this experience.

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The gift of connection

The Snowflakes program has brought us friendship, family and a future of togetherness.

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Grateful for inter-family relationships

Growing and deepening our friendships over the years is a blessing to all of us - adults and kids.

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An embryo adopted baby we all love

Although I never held him in my womb or in my arms, we will forever hold him in our hearts.  We are forever grateful that God gave him our adopting family for all of us to love.

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Helping Another Family

I’m also so happy that our adopting family has children now, children who otherwise may not have been born.

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