Biological Sisters Meet; Born Years Apart

Meet two families who are building a story about life and sacrifice.

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Rejected Open Adoption Model Leads to Love

They liked the concept of embryo adoption. However, the idea of an open adoption was scary.

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Even a Single Adopted Embryo Can Become Your Baby

We were advised to try IVF with donor eggs, but we rejected that option...

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Family Expands Using Many Options

Although Blaine and Kathryn had their three biological children and wanted more kids. They felt they should expand their family through adoption.

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Chronology of an Embryo Adoption

Yesterday we had our embryo transfer appointment. Unfortunately, we had to thaw all ten of the embryos we adopted.

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Life’s Obstacles Overcome with Embryo Adoption

We wanted to have a family, but we also knew that it would be difficult to conceive our own child due to my paralysis from a bicycle accident.

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Ob/Gyn Suggests Embryo Adoption Solution

It wasn’t until her OB-GYN suggested Snowflakes Embryo Adoption as an option in the wake of their infertility discovery that she remembered about the option.

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Trusting God’s Family Plan

The idea of special case embryos (at risk for a possible genetic issue) thrilled my heart in a way that can only be explained as God moving.

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Love Arrives in a Microscopic Embryo

...I learned I could be pregnant, wear maternity clothes, give birth, and breast feed my adoptive child.

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A ‘21st Century Couple’: A Story of Embryo Adoption

Dan and Kelli met on a Christian dating website in their early 40s.

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