Military Families Succeed with Embryo Adoption

How were we going to find a certified social worker in Israel to do a home study?

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International Adoption Doors Closing – Embryo Adoption Doors Open Wide

When they wanted to bring home a second child, Guatemala had closed its doors to international adoptions.

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Solution for a Variety of Infertility Diagnosis

Even before attempting pregnancy the couple had considered adoption, but never a specific type of adoption program.

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Another Family’s Story is Connected to Our Own

The open adoption model was an added blessing.

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The Medically Impossible Becomes Possible

Like many adoptions, our journey was filled with ups and downs.

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World's First Snowflake Adoption

The first child born through the pioneer embryo adoption program called Snowflakes®.

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Cancer Survivor Gives Birth to Adopted Daughter

We discovered our chances of getting pregnant were very low—only about a 1% chance.

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Failed Fallopian Tubes Remedied

At that point, they knew the door had been closed forever on their ability to have a genetic child.

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Open Adoption = Family Health

Unable to conceive naturally, the couple decided to pursue other means of family building.

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A Pro-Life Choice for Remaining Embryos

We looked at each other and nearly simultaneously said, “We could do that!”

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