Every Fertility Treatment Under the Sun…

Despite every appointment, we were still not pregnant. I was prescribed every fertility medication and had every procedure done. After we failed with our last embryo, we were finally told, “We think we have a potential answer...”

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Embryo Adoption: Worth Every Struggle

We expected our family life to unfold in the traditional way. We had no idea that conceiving a child would be a problem. As IVF was not an option, we knew that the Lord had something different in store for us.

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Embryo Adoption in Our Home & Hearts

We cannot wait to share with our children about their amazing story and the loving sacrifice that their genetic parents made in that story to get them into our home and into our hearts.

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Waiting and Trusting on the Lord

Even though the wait had some painful moments, we are so joyful and thankful to God for our son. Infertility helped us become patient; in our waiting we trusted God and He made this miracle possible.

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Initially our diagnosis was unexplained infertility

Around this time, I learned about embryo adoption. Honestly, I was scared.

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Release My Children

When in vitro fertilization fails, embryo adoption offers hope!

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Two Cancer Diagnoses, One Successful Embryo Adoption

Having a family was always a part of our plan for our life together, we just did not know how it would be created.

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The Unexpected Joy of Pregnancy

We grieved those early losses so deeply, but know that it was preparing us to parent this incredible child.

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Choosing Snowflakes For Our Embryo Adoption

“What an amazing thing to be able to adopt children as embryos and to carry them in pregnancy!”

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Our Embryo Adoption Journey

I never thought in a million years I would be pregnant with an adopted baby.

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