Adoption a better investment than IVF

We waited. And waited. And waited in the domestic infant adoption program. When our home study had to be renewed we switched to embryo adoption.

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We are blessed to be a family

We are in this together, I always tell my husband, and nobody fights a battle alone.

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Male infertility solved with embryo adoption

My mom sent me a link to the Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program.  Mitch and I had discussed sperm donation but did not feel like it was the right choice for us. Embryo adoption, however, was something totally new and different. We decided to explore the option and as we did, we had a strong feeling that this was how we were supposed to grow our family.

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A perfect family match!

We have a wonderful relationship with our placing family and we truly feel that we were meant to be.

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We want to encourage you

We had one remaining adopted embryo. We took time to grieve and pray. We were committed to all the embryos we adopted.

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“We have a Match” popped up in my inbox.”

Embryo adoption was the beautiful merging of both desires of our hearts: adoption and giving birth to our own children. Snowflakes was the first organization we reached out to and instantly knew they were the right fit.

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Number One Daughter!

Our little copper-haired cutie charms everyone she meets and reveals the gift of embryo adoption to those who've never heard of it.

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God’s hand is seen throughout

Nic was diagnosed with leukemia. We knew it was only right for us to tell the placing family about the leukemia – but we were sad to think the match might be broken.

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More People to be Loved by and to Love

God is truly painting a beautiful picture of family with this unique relationship we share with our placing family. We look forward to our families’ relationship continuing to grow in the years to come! 

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The Road to Parenthood Can be Difficult

What a wild journey we have had trying to build our family.

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