Our Agency Team of Experts

Alison C

Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Alison C

Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: ali@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Favorite Adoption Story: Our adoption story is my favorite adoption story. Only through the power of the Lord and the faithfulness of his people were the doors open to bring my son home.
Education: Bachelors of Social Work, Minor in Phycology from Liberty University
Responsibilities: Conducting home visits to provide home study assessments and post adoption reports; providing education to adoptive families during the adoption process

Alyssa M (FL)

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate

Our Agency Expert:

Alyssa M (FL)

Pregnancy Counselor | Adoption Advocate
Email Address: alyssa.m@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16 – “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story (so far) has been the first adoption I was able to assist with for the entire process! I was grateful to experience the birth mom’s love for her child, which guided her to place him with a gracious and supportive family. I’m blessed to have been a minor part in that child’s adoption journey and have been motivated ever since to continue this amazing work!
Education: Psychology B.A. with Double Minor in Counseling and Health & Wellness (University at Buffalo); Masters of Social Work - in progress (University of Central Florida)
Responsibilities: Pregnancy Counselor, Adoption Advocate, and Anchored in Hope Liaison


Director of Snowflakes Family Evaluation Services
floridasnowflakes, home-studies

Our Agency Expert:


Director of Snowflakes Family Evaluation Services
Email Address: jenna@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 16:11 You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Favorite Adoption Story: My favorite adoption story is the adoption journey of close family friends. They felt the Lord leading them to adopt a child with special needs from South Korea, and although they had two biological children and did not necessarily have the finances to afford an international adoption, they knew God would provide if it was part of His plan. To make a long story short, they were able to bring their son home from South Korea when he was about one and a half years old. A few years later, they received a call from their adoption agency saying that their son's birth mother had another child and asked if they would be interested in adopting her. Although adopting another child was not part of their plan, it was part of God's plan, and they knew they couldn't say no. So, they trusted the Lord's plan and provision and were able to adopt their son's half-sister and brought her home when she was about two years old. I have been this family's babysitter for years, since their biological children were little, so I have had the joy of welcoming both of these children into the family and seeing how they fit into this family so well, like they were always meant to be a part of this family. I have been able to love on these children and grow my relationship with them, so it is a very personal and amazing adoption story that I am blessed to have a small part in!
Education: MSW, University of Central Florida; Certificate in Child Services
Responsibilities: Overall responsibility and management of the Snowflakes Family Evaluation program. Works with social services managers and qualified SFE providers to provide, assign, and review SFEs.


Executive Director

Our Agency Expert:


Executive Director
Email Address: liz@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 30: 18 Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore He will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him!
Favorite Adoption Story: One of my favorite adoption stories is about a beautiful relationship between a birth and adoptive family. I once worked with a young birth mother post-delivery, who was unsure on how to handle the future of her baby’s life because she knew she couldn’t provide, but didn’t think she could live without knowing if her baby was happy and in good hands. When I told her about open adoption, she was so happy because she never thought it would be possible to see her baby after making an adoption plan. As soon as the adoptive family met the birth mother, they immediately welcomed her into their family. They have spent most holidays and birthdays together and she is getting to watch her child grow up in a loving household. A year after the adoption, the birth mother graduated from college and the adoptive parents attended her ceremony with the child. I have no doubt that the child is beyond loved by both their biological and adoptive family and it has been so amazing to watch the relationship between both families grow and develop.
Education: Lizzy received her Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Mississippi and her Master of Social Work degree from the University of South Florida.
Responsibilities: Lizzy serves as the Executive Director and Domestic Program Coordinator in the Florida office. Lizzy assists adoptive families throughout their adoption journey and works with expectant parents who are making an adoption plan by offering counseling, connecting them to resources, and by providing ongoing support during and after their pregnancy. In addition, Lizzy does marketing outreach throughout Florida to different pregnancy resource centers, hospitals, and medical facilities.

Megan W

Director of Development
floridadevelopment, executive

Our Agency Expert:

Megan W

Director of Development
Email Address: megan.white@nightlight.org
Education: Megan obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University (1991) and a Masters of Social Work from Florida State University (1993). She has been a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Florida from 1995 to present and is a Qualified Supervisor for Florida Licensure. Megan has worked in the adoption field in Florida since 1993 and has been working with Nightlight Christian Adoptions since 2016.
Responsibilities: Megan is the person primarily responsible for agency fund raising, securing of large gifts, and securing of grants.

Shannon H

Home Study/Post Adoption Report Provider

Our Agency Expert:

Shannon H

Home Study/Post Adoption Report Provider
Email Address: shannon.howard-lascari@nightlight.org
Favorite Bible Verse: Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Favorite Adoption Story: I don’t know if I have a favorite story, per say. Any adoption that I have helped in creating a family sits in a special place in my heart. Creating families is beautiful and I am blessed to maintain contact with so many families and birth moms that I have worked with.
Education: Bachelors degree in Psychology from University of South Florida
Responsibilities: Conducting home visits in order to prepare home studies and post adoption reports


Home Study/SFE Provider

Our Agency Expert:


Home Study/SFE Provider
Email Address: trisha@nightlight.org
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