Relative adoptions only. On July 14, 2014, the United States Department of State, Office of Children’s Issues put into effect the requirement that all intercountry adoptions required a US Hague Accredited agency as Primary Provider. This meant that families could no longer complete an inter-country adoption without a Primary Provider Agency. Nightlight Christian Adoptions agreed to work with families who were interested in adopting relatives or completing an inter-country adoption through the UAA process. As the countries are varied and across the globe, the adoption process varies according to the country. Many of the countries provide for a ‘guardianship’ process with the actual adoption taking place and being finalized in the US. Each situation is evaluated on a case by case basis to determine whether Nightlight can assist the family with their adoption. Some of the countries are signatories of The Hague and others are non-Hague countries. It is expected that the adoption process may take anywhere between 9 months to 2 years, depending on the laws of both countries. This program is for countries that do not have US adoption agencies which are licensed to work in those countries.
Please contact Savana Rowe,, (502) 423-5780 with any questions.
To learn more about our Liberia Adoption Program, you may contact us, call our office at (502) 423-5780, or email inquiries to Savana Rowe, at
Liberia Adoption Overview and Fees
Liberia U.S. Relations
Intercountry Adoption Information on Liberia
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