Parents may be eligible to receive a loan or grant to defray some of their adoption costs. Each grant or loan program determines eligibility requirements. Usually grants are not given until you have a completed home study. Also, you may be required to be pursuing a specific country program, as you will most likely need a letter from your placing agency. If you are pursuing a domestic adoption, most likely you will have to use the services of an accredited adoption agency and not just the services of a private attorney.
Offers matching grants and loans. Also, will work with your church in providing grants and loans through donations. 100 percent of all funds given go directly to the adoption.
Steven Curtis Chapman’s organization offers grants. This excellent organization is also devoted to the ministry of orphans around the world through donations and missions opportunities.
For families adopting children with Down’s Syndrome
Both Hands helps adoptive families organize service projects for widows to raise funds for their adoption. Similar to a 5k race, the family gathers a team of volunteers and finds a widow in their community to serve. The team also sends out fundraising letters to raise sponsorship for their day of service with the funds raised going towards the family's adoption costs and the widow receives free help around their home. Both Hands has completed over 1,200 projects across the country raising over $17 million for adoptions. Their average project raised over $22,000 per family in 2021 and 2022.
This organization provides grants up to $7,000 and they also provide loans for adoption as well. They provide grants exclusively to families adopting internationally. They typically approve more than half of the qualified families that apply.
This program provides information about adoption benefits to employers and employees in both the public and private sectors. Funded by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, the project maintains a database of employers with adoption benefits—financial reimbursement, paid and/or unpaid leave time, and resource and referral services. This list is updated regularly. As a result of this program, more than 250 employers have implemented or improved adoption benefits, impacting 1.5 million employees nationwide.
This organization provides grants for domestic and international adoptions. Families must demonstrate a financial need and have a completed homestudy to apply.
An adoption advocacy organization that also provides a limited number of grants.
Provides financial assistance to meet the medical and/or surgical needs of foreign-born adopted children and their adoptive families.
Provides financial assistance to families in Minnesota domestically adopting a Black or Bi-racial infant or child.
Families can apply to this foundation for an outright grant. The grant program is open to all legal adoptions including public or private agency adoptions, international, special needs or adoptions facilitated by an attorney. There is no income requirement. There is a simple one-page application and the only requirement to apply is a home study, or one in progress. The Foundation’s board meets four times a year, during the last week of each quarter, to award grants in amounts ranging from $500 to $4000.
The Never Alone Foundation serves to bridge the financial gap to assist parents in bringing orphaned children home (“Zoe’s Rainbow”), offer aid to parents shouldering significant medical expenses as they endeavor to bring their youngsters to full health (“Lucy’s Love”), and finally, provide financial assistance allowing families to access the unique post‐placement services and support that help children with adoption challenges to be born in their parents’ hearts (“Hannah’s Halo”). The foundation hopes to award grants beginning in 2013.
The Sparrow Fund is a grant for people who adopt children with medical needs. This fund covers some of the initial medical costs.
Dream4Adoptions has a Scholarship Program, Medical Needs Program, First Time Adoption Home Study Program and an Adoption Assistance Program. Optimally, Dream4Adoption wants to be able to give a Home Study Grant to each family seeking their first adoption.
This foundation gives grants quarterly for domestic adoption.
They give grants for domestic & embryo adoption.
For those families who use this faith-based medical sharing plan, they offer grants for up to two adoptions. For a third adoption, you may be eligible for an “Extra Blessing.”
Grants for all types of adoption for those families who are active military, spouse, or veteran.
This organization gives grants and fundraising sponsorships for waiting children with special needs.
They offer grants for Southern Baptist ministers, missionaries, or agency personnel.
The offer all types of adoption grants for cancer survivors.
Within this program, the military will reimburse active-duty personnel for most one-time adoption costs up to $2000 per child. Travel costs, foreign or domestic, are not covered. If you adopt more than one child, only up to $5,000 can be reimbursed in a given year, even if both parents are in the military. Reimbursement is made only after the adoption is finalized and only if the adoption was completed through a state or a non-profit licensed adoption agency. Fees that can be reimbursed include adoption, legal, and placement fees, court costs, and birth mother expenses. Eligible personnel should complete DD form 2673 (Reimbursement for Adoption Expense). Contact your local Personnel Support Unit for more information. Certain Immigration fees are waived for adoptive military families.
Families can apply to this foundation for an outright grant. The grant program is open to all legal adoptions including public or private agency adoptions, international, special needs or adoptions facilitated by an attorney. There is no income requirement. There is a simple one-page application and the only requirement to apply is a home study, or one in progress. The Foundation’s board meets four times a year, during the last week of each quarter, to award grants in amounts ranging from $500 to $4000.
The Never Alone Foundation serves to bridge the financial gap to assist parents in bringing orphaned children home (“Zoe’s Rainbow”), offer aid to parents shouldering significant medical expenses as they endeavor to bring their youngsters to full health (“Lucy’s Love”), and finally, provide financial assistance allowing families to access the unique post‐placement services and support that help children with adoption challenges to be born in their parents’ hearts (“Hannah’s Halo”). The foundation hopes to award grants beginning in 2013.
The Sparrow Fund is a grant for people who adopt children with medical needs. This fund covers some of the initial medical costs.
Dream4Adoptions has a Scholarship Program, Medical Needs Program, First Time Adoption Home Study Program and an Adoption Assistance Program. Optimally, Dream4Adoption wants to be able to give a Home Study Grant to each family seeking their first adoption.
This foundation gives grants quarterly for domestic adoption.
They give grants for domestic & embryo adoption.
For those families who use this faith-based medical sharing plan, they offer grants for up to two adoptions. For a third adoption, you may be eligible for an “Extra Blessing.”
Grants for all types of adoption for those families who are active military, spouse, or veteran.
This organization gives grants and fundraising sponsorships for waiting children with special needs.
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