6 Countries with the Smoothest Adoption Process

6 Countries with the Smoothest Adoption Process Insider Tips from an Experienced International Adoption Agency Director If you're considering international adoption, you're embarking on an incredibly rewarding journey. But let's be real – navigating the adoption process can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded sometimes. That's why choosing a country with a smooth adoption process […]

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Reaction to the Alabama Supreme Court Ruling on IVF Embryos

In 2020, three Alabama couples sued their clinic because the clinic accidently destroyed their embryos. In all 50 states, a couple could sue for damages to their property. But these couples sued for “wrongful death,” stating that their children had been killed.  On February 16, 2024 the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the embryos were […]

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Searching for Certainty: A Birth Mom’s Perspective in Adoption

  Considering adoption for your unborn child is one of the hardest and most selfless things a mother can do for her child. Adoption allows birth parents to control so many different factors of their unique adoption plan, but what about the unknown factors? What family will raise this child? What kind of life will […]

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Adoption Impacts: Chloe

  When I was in second grade, my parents came home from a church information meeting on foster care and sat my brothers and I down and asked what we thought about becoming a foster family. Since we were so young, I am pretty sure we had no idea what that meant. Little did I […]

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How Can I Support my Friend/Family Member that is Fostering?

  Do you have friends who are fostering and you are wondering how you can support them? Or maybe your family member is a foster parent and you are not sure what would be helpful? Perhaps you would like to support children in foster care, but the timing is not right for you to become […]

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Matching in Snowflakes Embryo Adoption

  You’ve applied, you’ve completed your Snowflakes Family Evaluation, and now you’re ready to be matched with embryos. You’ve waited, and then… BING! The long-awaited email arrives—"You Have Been Matched!” Maybe you open that message quickly; maybe you take it slow. You open the attachment. At this point you may feel immediate excitement, ambiguity, or […]

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Introducing Adoptions from the Philippines

  This year marks a significant milestone for Nightlight Christian Adoptions as we have acquired licensing to include the Philippines into our International Adoption Programs as of January 2024. This expansion opens up new opportunities for families seeking to grow their families through adoption. The Philippines is an appealing choice for prospective adoptive parents because […]

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Technology Use and Safety with Adopted Kids

  It is essential to consider the unique needs and vulnerabilities of each child when making decisions about technology use. Some topics to think about are: when to introduce technology, what protections to put in place, and how to stay informed about media trends.   Introducing Technology Remember that the decision to introduce technology should […]

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