Developing Identity in Closed Adoptions

  According to Google, identity is defined as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.” Identity is the core of each person’s being and our identity is often developed by our history, knowing where we come from, and our experiences as we grow and mature. Finding their own identity can […]

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What Can I Learn About an Embryo Before I Adopt?

  Are you considering embryo adoption?   If so, you might have a lot of questions about the embryos that you could adopt through Nightlight Christian Adoptions. First of all, what is embryo donation?   Embryo donation is a decision that is made by couples or individuals who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in […]

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Adoption Impacts: Sonja

  Three years ago, I learned that I had a half brother that I didn't know existed. His birth mother placed him for adoption in the 1950's. During this time unwed mothers were frowned upon. I had joined 23andMe several years before this and after not having been on the site for several months, I […]

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Why Skipper and Christina chose Snowflakes® Embryo Adoption

Skipper and Christina inquired about domestic adoption but learned about Snowflakes® Embryo adoption and realized it was the right program for them!

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Why Joe and Erin Chose Snowflakes

Joe and Erin inquired about domestic adoption with Nightlight, but after learning about Snowflakes® embryo adoption, they realized that it was the right program for them.  They had concerns and struggles with IVF and weren't sure they were good candidates for embryo adoption.  But it worked out with the successful birth of baby Ian!

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Navigating Foster Care

A Must-Read for Prospective Foster Parents As a prospective foster parent in the United States, understanding the foster care system is crucial. This overview provides essential statistics and facts for you to learn more about this system designed to help you help children in need of love and stability. As of 2023, there are approximately […]

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Considerations If You Want to Adopt Transracially

  So, you have decided to adopt! How exciting for your family! Now that you have decided to grow your family through adoption, you will be faced with many more decisions that will shape your family’s specific adoption journey. One of the myriad of decisions you have ahead of you is whether you are open […]

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Why Foster Care Matters

Why Foster Care Matters: A Crucial Role in Shaping Lives  Foster care plays a vital role in our society by providing a safe and nurturing environment for children who have experienced abuse, neglect, or other forms of trauma. While the need for foster care is unfortunate, it is essential to ensure that these children have […]

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How to Find the Perfect Foster Care Agency

Discover the Best Foster Care Agency for Your Family  Are you considering opening your heart and home to a child in foster care? One of the most crucial decisions you'll make on this journey is choosing the right foster care agency. Let’s start with three primary areas to consider before you begin:   Understanding Your Needs  […]

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Demystifying Foster Care: Everything You Need to Know

In the realm of social welfare, few institutions bear the weight of compassion and complexity quite like foster care. A system enshrined in the belief that every child deserves a safe and loving home, foster care borders the intersection of hope and heartache, resilience and reckoning. This is an exploration into the essence of foster […]

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