March 5, 2012

Michael & Lori

Dear Birth Family,

Thank you for taking the time to consider us as adoptive parents for your child. We hope you are able to get a sense of who we are through our family profile book and pictures. We have great respect for you and your decision to consider adoption for your child. We are honored you would take the time to get to know us.

Our story began while we were working together at a local university. We instantly became friends, and soon after began dating. After two years filled with adventure and getting to know each other, and an exciting nine month engagement, we were married in a beautiful ceremony. We have been married for six years. We have a strong and fun relationship. Laughter and love fills our home.

We made the decision to adopt when we had been married for two years. We knew we would not be able to have children biologically, but always wanted a family and little ones to love. Our dream became a reality when we were blessed with the adoption of our son, Owen, in April of 2009.Michael, Lori & Owen We are so grateful and blessed that Owen is our son. He brings us joy we did not know possible and we are so excited to grow our family again.

Michael was raised in Alta Loma, California in a wonderful and loving family. Michael has two brothers that he has always been close with. Growing up, Michael spent a lot of time outdoors, traveling and watching or playing sports. His love for the outdoors and sports is still strong today and something we enjoy sharing together. 12 years ago Michael found a love for finance and began his career in the finance industry. Today he enjoys working for one of the largest financial organizations in the nation.

Lori's words on Michael:

Michael's sense of humor, love for his family and friends, strong character and passion for life are just a few of the qualities I love about him. Some of my most joyful moments come from watching Owen and Michael together. He is an amazing father.

Lori grew up in a great family with two sisters, in Irvine, California. She enjoys being in the beautiful outdoors, whether on a hike, a walk or near water. She likes to cook, write, teach courses at the local university and work on various art/craft projects for the house and with Owen.

Michael's words on Lori:

Lori is creative and loving with not only our immediate family but our extended family and friends. She has a big heart, is attentive to others and creates fun out of almost any situation. I am blessed that Lori is able to stay-at-home with Owen. She is an amazing mother and wife, always making our home warm, fun and loving.

We are grateful to have families we enjoy sharing our life with that we live so close to. Owen loves being able to see his cousins several times a week. Both of our families were so excited when Owen was born and they cannot wait to have another little one join the family.

Owen is full of joy and adventure. He constantly makes us smile and laugh with his silly and social nature. He calls everyone he meets "friend". Some of his favorite activities include playing with his cousins and friends, playing with trucks and trains, going to the pool, beach and the park, wrestling with daddy, frozen yogurt dates with mama, painting and going on bug finding walks.

We often share our home with family and friends. We enjoy hosting pool parties, barbeques, and having our nieces and nephews over for slumber parties. We love hiking, having fun in the water, biking around the neighborhood or just spending time outside with neighbors. Our community is family oriented and close to great schools, our church, libraries, beaches, hiking trails and parks.

We desire and are committed to an open adoption. We are sensitive to your needs and comfort level and want to establish a relationship that works well for everyone.

Thank you for taking time to read about us and the life we share together. We will continue to pray for your decision and the journey before you.

With love,
Michael & Lori


Adoptive Family Information at a Glance

Father's Name: Michael Mother's Name: Lori
Occupation: Financial Advisor Occupation: Stay-at-Home-Mom/Part-time Professor
Education: Bachelor of Science Education: MBA/Human Resource Management
Religion: Christian Religion: Christian
Age: mid 30's Age: mid 30's
Ethnicity: Caucasian Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown/Grey Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'11" Height: 5'4"
General Health: Excellent General Health: Excellent

Date of marriage: November 5, 2005

Children: Our son Owen was born 04/24/2009. We were blessed with Owen through adoption. Owen is fair skinned with big blue eyes, auburn hair and freckles. He is a smiley, social, curious two year-old with a love for bugs, water, climbing, playgrounds and big trucks.

Interest and Hobbies: Together we enjoy spending time as a family, being outdoors (hiking and bug walks), with friends and family, watching football, being silly and camping. Individually, Michael enjoys fishing and sports and Lori enjoys baking and craft projects.

Home: We live in a two story three bedroom townhome in a neighborhood full of families with young children, parks, our church, the library and beaches. We also live very close to our siblings and their young children. We will be moving to an unattached home in the next year and will stay in the same neighborhood.

Pets: We currently have no pets but look forward to filling our home with furry creatures as our children grow older.

Finances: We have a secure financial situation that allows us to live an active lifestyle, with Lori staying-a- home. We live within our means which includes always building our savings and investments.

Why are you interested in building a family though adoption: God put it on our heart that our family would be formed through adoption after being unable to become pregnant for a few years. We were blessed with our son through adoption and our hearts were touched in so many ways throughout the process. We are so excited to grow our family again through this process.

Openness to Birth parents: We desire an open relationship while respecting the many emotions a birth family has. We look forward to creating a relationship that works for everyone. We currently have an open relationship with our son's birth family which consists of pictures, phone calls and time together.

Childcare Plans: We are blessed that Lori can work part-time teaching college from home (while Owen sleeps) while still being a full-time stay-at-home mom. With the addition of a new baby, Lori will stop teaching for a minimum of six months.

Statement of Faith: Our relationship with Jesus Christ is the priority of our home and lives.

We are represented by Nightlight Christian Adoptions. If you need more information about us, or would like to meet us, please contact Nightlight toll-free at 888.933.2237.

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