September 7, 2021

PCOS and Embryo Adoption


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder associated with issues like insulin resistance and irregular menstrual cycles. Of particular concern to many women is its ability to hinder ovulation, affecting fertility. Approximately 6% to 12% of women in the reproductive age range in the U.S. have received a PCOS diagnosis, making it a prevalent cause of female infertility.

Have you received a PCOS diagnosis? Are concerns about infertility looming large? Are you noticing signs that things might not be functioning as expected? If you find yourself in these challenging situations, take comfort in the fact that there are viable options available!

A promising solution for women grappling with PCOS-related infertility is embryo adoption through our Snowflakes Program. In contrast to the ovarian hyperstimulation required for egg retrieval in IVF, embryo adoption allows women with PCOS to bypass this process entirely. This is crucial because IVF poses the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition requiring hospitalization or surgical intervention in women with PCOS.

Fortunately, recent research indicates that utilizing frozen embryos can enhance live birth rates in women with PCOS without the hazards of ovarian hyperstimulation. Similarly, using frozen embryos offers women with this condition safer and more successful pregnancies compared to those opting for IVF. This provides women with PCOS a secure and fulfilling avenue to realize their dreams of pregnancy and motherhood.

If you're navigating PCOS, could embryo adoption be the right choice for you? To delve deeper into embryo adoption and donation, visit

By: Kaelah Hamman

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