March 23, 2018

YOU Can Help Save Adoptions

A message from the former President of Nightlight Christian Adoptions, Ronald Stoddart.

Dear Nightlight Family,

I had the privilege to lead Nightlight Christian Adoptions from 2005 to 2013 and now serve on the Board of Directors. I tried, unsuccessfully, to retire in 2013, but decided to practice law part-time in my new home in Colorado. In 2016, I became active in the fight to Save Adoptions from the over-regulation and anti-adoption attitude of the State Department.

In 1995, Nightlight was the first agency to sponsor an orphan tour to the United States when we brought a group of dancers and singers from Russia to perform in churches, concerts in the park, and Disneyland. That allowed us to find homes for more than 800 school age children from Russia who otherwise may not have had a family. The State Department’s re-interpretation of the regulations threatens to stop photo-listings and hosting programs and diminish the chances of older children to be adopted. I’m sure you share my passion for every child to have a permanent family – and you know we are using every program available to do that (domestic, international, foster care and embryo adoption). We need you to share that passion boldly with your family and friends.

Our White House Petition, accessed easily at, needs 100,000 signatures to guarantee a response from the White House. No one wants to think that a little extra effort on our part could have gotten us across the finish line. So, I am asking EACH of you, individually, to take responsibility for getting your family, friends, and others to sign the petition. Failure is not an option, and you truly can make a difference. Here are a few ways you can make this happen:

  1. Ask you parents, siblings, spouse, and children over 13 to sign the petition.
  2. Send a personal message to friends asking them to sign – and to share it with their friends.
  3. Share a Post from Nightlight or Save Adoption Facebook page to your personal page

And, be sure to remind everyone that they need to verify their e-mail address when they get the confirmation e-mail from the White House.


Ronald L. Stoddart

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