January 28, 2010

Nightlight's Speakers’ Bureau

Nightlight is Speaking Near YouNightlight has a Speakers’ Bureau available to speak in Southern California, Colorado, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia. We are available to travel to other states upon special request.

We are here to speak on the various topics:
• Share the plight of orphans and give your group creative ways to make a difference
• Discuss the fate of stored embryos and the difference embryo adoption can make for these unborn children
• Adoption Around the World: Making a difference in the lives of orphans through international adoption
• How to give hope to a girl or woman facing an unplanned pregnancy

Below are some special dates throughout the year in which you may want to have speaker on that day or close to that date as well as suggested topic.

May 8, 2010 Birth Mother’s Day

Why Adoption is the Loving Choice

Courageous Women Making Bold Choices

My Friend is Pregnant! What Do I Say? What Do I Do?

May 9, 2010 Mother’s Day

When Mother’s Day Brings Grief: Facing Infertility

June 20, 2010 Father’s Day

Being a Father to the Fatherless: Caring for the Orphan

November 9, 2010 Orphan Sunday

We can present one of the many videos and provide a discussion to your Sunday School or church group

Orphanages Around The World: How Can You Help? What Happens if No One Adopts?

November 20, 2010 National Adoption Day

We can speak on wide variety of topics. We suggest having those involved in adoption in your church also be part of the panel to share their stories and the difference adoption has made in their lives

Our Adoption Stories: Parents, older youth, adult adoptees

Adoption Changes Lives: Adult adoptees and those who love them (friends & extended family) speak about their lives and speculate what it could have been like if they were not adopted

Adopted People Rock: Contributions of adoptees around the world

The Gift I Gave My Baby: Behind The Scenes of a Birthmother’s Adoption Plan

December: Christmas

Unwed Teenage Mother: An Unplanned Pregnancy and God’s Unfolding Story

Hearts of Joy: Birthmothers Choosing the Gift of Life

Your Group: The Mission to Share Good News

We are available to the following groups to speak:

  • School: Consider having us speak to a high school or college sociology or psychology class about adoption. There are so many misconceptions about adoption. Teenagers and young adults will be astounded to hear the truth about this option.
  • Sunday School: Your church will want to see dynamic video presentations and have a discussion on a number of topics related to domestic, embryo, and international adoption as well as orphan care.
  • Youth Group: We can speak to your youth about the needs of orphans and what the Gospel commands of us. We can provide discussion questions as well.
  • Civic Groups: People are amazed when they learn the needs of orphans in our own community and around the world.
  • MOPS groups:  Many women want to know about adoption, the needs of orphans, and projects that their group can participate in.
  • Mission Program: We can share through our hosting programs, how the mission field can be brought here. Also we can give discuss concrete ways your mission program in your church can make a difference in the lives of orphans.
  • Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Many volunteers do not know how to present the adoption option as a life-affirming alternative to abortion. We can help you provide women facing an unplanned pregnancy with another choice.
  • Educational Workshops: Nightlight also provides pre and post adoption educational events so that prospective and adoptive parents can more about the realities of adoption and find the support and counseling they need.

Contact us if your church is interested in hosting an adoption event, fair, or to find out more about having someone speak at your school, church, or other organization.

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