August 8, 2007

Meet David Esaú: Waiting Child from Guatemala

One of the ways that Carolina Hope seeks homes for orphans from Guatemala is through photolisting - that is, placing an orphan's photo and name (along with a few other pieces of information) on our website and at another photolisting website, I'll post more about photolisting at some other time (it's a controversial practice), but I'll say this now: We photolist a child when none of our clients can accept that child as a referral (because the family is not approved for the gender/age of the particular child, or the family takes another referral, or no families have their approval yet from USCIS).

Today I want to introduce you to David Esaú. David was born in Guatemala on March 25, 2007. His single birthmother lives in a bad situation, and she has decided that she cannot adequately care for David - so she's voluntarily placing him for adoption. Right now he lives in a private foster home. You can read more about David at our photolisting page for waiting children. He's the first on the page.

I'm highlighting David because we've had him photolisted for over 4 months, and as he gets older the likelihood of finding a family for him diminishes. He might have to go back into the bad situation that his birthmother hoped to save him from.

To find out who can commit to adopting David, read our waiting child policies on our photolisting page. Be aware of this, though: you cannot make a commitment to a child waiting for adoption unless you are about to receive or already have received I-171H approval from USCIS (even if it's for a different country).

Guatemala adoptions are expensive, and David's adoption will be no exception. However, his fees have been reduced as much as possible so that we can find a home for him.

If you know someone with Immigration approval who is now looking for a child to adopt, please tell that person about David Esaú. And in the mean time, pray for David, that he'll find a good home.

(Please do not make inquiries to Carolina Hope about David unless you meet our criteria for making a commitment. Thank you!)

0 comments on “Meet David Esaú: Waiting Child from Guatemala”

  1. from hope to reality » Blog Archive » Guatemalan children waiting for adoption | the adoption blog of carolina hope christian adoption agency says:

    [...] on August 8 I wrote a post about David Esaú, a baby boy in Guatemala who is waiting to be adopted. David has been waiting for [...]

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